MagLev Issue Reports
The MagLev team uses the GitHub issue tracker, where you can view and report issues.
To help us better deal with the issue, please include:
The version of MagLev
$ maglev-ruby -v maglev 1.0.0 (ruby 1.8.7) (2011-10-31 rev 1.0.0-27184)[Darwin i386]
Information about the system you are running on:
$ uname -a Darwin miami.local 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
Whether you installed using RVM or from GitHub.
Stack Traces
If possible, a stack trace of where the issue occurs is always nice to have.
To generate a stack trace:
Run MagLev with the debug option.
$ export MAGLEV_OPTS="-d" $ maglev-ruby the_script_that_breaks.rb
When the error occurs, MagLev will stop in the debugger, indicated by the
topaz 1>
prompt:error , a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026), reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, attempt to divide 1 by zero, during /Users/pmclain/GemStone/checkouts/the_script_that_breaks.rb ERROR 2026 , a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026), reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, attempt to divide 1 by zero (ZeroDivisionError) topaz 1> exitifnoerror End of initialization files topaz 1>
Tell debugger to print stack trace
First tell topaz to copy output to a file `output push
`, then print the stack trace with the `stack` command: topaz 1> output push maglev_stack.txt topaz 1> stack ==> 1 AbstractException >> _outer:with: (envId 0) @8 line 19 receiver [114893057 sz:10 ZeroDivide] a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026), reason:numErrIntDivision... aHandler nil isNonStaticAnsi nil 2 AbstractException >> outer (envId 0) @2 line 19 receiver [114893057 sz:10 ZeroDivide] a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026), reason:numErrIntDivision... 3 [] in RubyCompiler >> compileFileNamed:loadName:env: (envId 0) @4 line 58 self [114898433 RubyCompiler] aRubyCompiler receiver [114898945 sz:0 ExecBlock1] anExecBlock1 ex [114893057 sz:10 ZeroDivide] a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026), reason:numErrIntDivision... prevSelf nil ...more stack trace... -
You can type exit to quit the MagLev VM:
topaz 1> exit
The stack trace is captured in
(or whatever you named the file).